We have early childhood qualified educators responsible for the care and education of babies from 6 months.

The Nursery Program aims to develop the whole child in a nurturing environment and seeks to engage them in learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate and in partnership with family.

The educators are guided by the national curriculum “The Early Years Learning Framework” and by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, to plan and implement the program.

The program is based on observations of each baby and follows their development and emerging interests.  The program is informed by current research that tells us babies learn best through play and by actively using their senses together with their peers.


We know that babies already have an inherent desire to learn, therefore the educators’ role is to intentionally provide support, guidance and inspiration to further develop their learning. Opportunities to learn through play is an integral part of the Nursery Program.  This “play based” approach encourages babies to inquire, experiment and problem solve, in other words to be curious and active researchers about their world.


To aid attachment and settling we use the primary care model, where each baby has an educator responsible for their care and program needs.  The primary care model is based on Attachment Theory. The establishment of a sense of security in babies with their Educators is a theory we regard as very important.  Educators who are available and responsive to their baby’s needs will create a secure base for the baby to explore their surroundings because they know that the caregiver is dependable.

All experiences in the Nursery Program are intended to lay the foundation for life long learning.